
Jul 15, 2024 Our paper on cultural diversity in contrastive vision-language models has been accepted with an oral presentation at the Data-centric Machine Learning Research workshop at ICML 2024. Looking forward to giving a brief talk, participating in a panel, and interesting poster session discussions!
May 24, 2024 Very excited to share our paper on cultural diversity in contrastive vision-language models that I worked on while at Google DeepMind with Lucas Beyer, Emanuele Bugliarello, Xiao Wang, Andreas Steiner, Xiaohua Zhai and Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin.
May 01, 2024 Until the end of this year, I will be working with Nicolas Papernot and the other CleverHans Lab team members as a research intern at the Vector Institute and a visiting graduate student at the University of Toronto.
Apr 28, 2024 During my Bachelor thesis with Abbas Rahimi and Michael Hersche at IBM Research, I developed a sparse resonator network (the full thesis can be found here). The resulting paper was just accepted for publication in Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence.
Apr 17, 2024 I presented some of my research interests at this year’s Meet the Talent, organised by the ETH Foundation.
Mar 24, 2024 I was accepted into the 2024 Deep Learning + Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School taking place in Toronto in July.
Feb 19, 2024 I just re-joined Google DeepMind in Zurich to finalize my work on cultural diversity in contrastive vision-language models with Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Lucas Beyer, Xiaohua Zhai, Emanuele Bugliarello, Xiao Wang and Andreas Steiner.